GO Green
HIMATRIS: On Sunday, August 11, we united in the spirit of gotong royong to clean up the trash scattered during Car Free Day in Bekasi.
HIMATRIS: On Sunday, August 11, we united in the spirit of gotong royong to clean up the trash scattered during Car Free Day in Bekasi.
bahasa inggris
Selamat dan sukses untuk dosen Sastra Inggris FKSB Bapak Endang S. Priyatna, S.S.,M.Hum.,M.A.,Ph.D atas keberhasilannya mencapai gelar Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) di University of Sussex, England.
Class Project-Popular Culture and the Everyday-Cost play. Contributed by: Ika Maulida Hidayah, Putri Uswatun Khasanah, Ayu Tri Cahyati, Khalda Aeninnisa, Hafisna Parwindyaboya.